Tasks & Output Screens
Other tasks can be performed from the general TASK screen. A task may be a sequence of things to happen programmed with IF/THEN statements.
Like: IF the ground is dry and IF it's after 12:00 am THEN water the lawn for 1hr.
jeff 2.0 can set up page after page of tasks as needed.
Output Screens
Outputs are things controlled by relays such as the electric garage door or a coffee pot. Outputs can also be programmed with IF/THEN statements.
Like: IF the doorbell button is pressed THEN the audio system plays the 1st 4 bars of Beethoven's 6th.
jeff 2.0 can install many outputs on a system.
| Tasks now can include displaying favorite web sites on the touch screen. Check the weather or the stock market or your e-mail on your way out the door.